Top quality repair/refurbishment services for your Surgical Ultrasound Handpiece. Ophthalmon is by your side since 2014, your trusted repair partner. Browse our wide array of supported models and contact us today!

Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Bone Scalpel Handpiece

The world of surgery isn’t a happy one. Surgery in the old times used to be the last of all resorts. Surgery was the last try of a person that was already assumed dead. It wasn’t guaranteed to save lives let alone assure someone that fruitful benefits can arise from it. Longer hours with anesthesia which would or wouldn’t work. A successful surgery was a miracle in the old times. The world of surgery has advanced a lot since the old times. The world today has confidence over the advances of surgery and the beneficial results it brings. To bring and advance surgery like this, people have launched companies and firms that have worked day and night brainstorming and innovating for a better future. Creating surgical tools that kept both the patient and the surgeon in mind. Creating tools that give surgeons the confidence to perform at the best for long hours. Creating intelligent tools that support surgeons while taking care of the patients as well. All of this would have never been possible without the innovation and efforts of surgical firms. One of the pioneering firms among them is Misonix. With “better matters” as its slogan, you can feel how highly they value development and innovation.

Boston Scientific Swiss Lithoclast Ultrasonic Transducer

The universe of action is genuinely not a vigorous one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the rest of, being same. Movement was the last endeavor of a person that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't guaranteed to save lives also ensure someone that gainful focal spots can climb out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A persuading improvement was a mind-blowing event in the past events. The universe of improvement has advanced a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of a turn of events and the strong results it brings. To bring and influence an advancement like this, people have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the whole day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making wary gadgets that recalled both the patient and the readied talented. Making contraptions that give experts the conviction to perform at the best for extended time frames. Making exciting contraptions that help point subject trained professionals while managing the patients other than. The total of this couldn't actually have been possible without the new unexpected turn of events and endeavors of careful firms.

Cusa Selector (NXT) 24 kHz Handpiece

The universe of activity is emphatically not a lively one. Activity in the past periods used to be the remainder of, being same. Activity was the last undertaking of an individual that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't ensured to save lives additionally guarantee somebody that productive central focuses can emerge from it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A convincing activity was a radiant occasion in the past occasions. The universe of activity has progressed a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of an activity and the supportive outcomes it brings. To bring and incite an activity like this, individuals have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the entire day conceptualizing and creating for a prevalent future. Making mindful devices that remembered both the patient and the prepared proficient. Making contraptions that give specialists the conviction to perform at the best for widened time periods. Making splendid gadgets that help topic specialists while dealing with the patients besides. The complete of this couldn't really have been conceivable without the new development and endeavors of wary firms.

Cusa Selector (NXT) 35 kHz Handpiece

The universe of action is earnestly not a vivacious one. Movement in the past periods used to be the rest of, being same. Action was the last endeavor of a person that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't guaranteed to save lives furthermore ensure someone that profitable focal centers can rise up out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A persuading movement was a brilliant event in the past events. The universe of movement has advanced a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of a movement and the strong results it brings. To bring and instigate a movement like this, people have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the whole day conceptualizing and making for a pervasive future. Making careful gadgets that recollected both the patient and the readied capable. Making contraptions that give experts the conviction to perform at the best for extended time-frames. Making awe inspiring contraptions that help point subject matter experts while managing the patients other than. The total of this couldn't actually have been possible without the new turn of events and tries of vigilant firms.

Cusa Valleylab Ultrasonic Handpiece

The universe of activity is truly not an energetic one. Development in the past periods used to be the remainder of, being same. Activity was the last undertaking of an individual that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't ensured to save lives moreover guarantee somebody that productive central places can ascend out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A convincing development was a splendid occasion in the past occasions. The universe of development has progressed a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of a development and the solid outcomes it brings. To bring and affect a development like this, individuals have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the entire day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making cautious devices that remembered both the patient and the prepared skilled. Making contraptions that give specialists the conviction to perform at the best for expanded time spans. Making sensational contraptions that help point topic specialists while dealing with the patients other than. The complete of this couldn't really have been conceivable without the new unforeseen development and attempts of watchful firms.

Generation 3 Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel Hand Piece HP54

The universe of progress is genuinely not an over the best one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the remainder of, being same. Development was the last undertaking of an individual that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't ensured to save lives additionally guarantee somebody that pivotal central spots can move out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A convincing improvement was an unfathomable occasion in the past occasions. The universe of progress has progressed a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of another new unforeseen development and the solid outcomes it brings. To bring and impact an improvement like this, individuals have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the entire day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making cautious contraptions that outlined both the patient and the prepared talented. Making contraptions that give specialists the conviction to perform at the best for extended time periods. Making restoring contraptions that help point subject empowered planned organized trained professionals while dealing with the patients other than. The all out of this couldn't really have been conceivable without the new stunning astounding new unforeseen new development and tries of cautious firms.

Generation 4 Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel Blue Hand Piece HPBLUE

The universe of progress is truly not an over the best one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the rest of, being same. Advancement was the last endeavor of a person that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't guaranteed to save lives also ensure someone that crucial focal spots can move out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A persuading improvement was an incomprehensible event in the past events. The universe of progress has advanced a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of another new unexpected turn of events and the strong results it brings. To bring and effect an improvement like this, people have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the whole day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making mindful contraptions that laid out both the patient and the readied skilled. Making contraptions that give experts the conviction to perform at the best for expanded time-frames. Making reestablishing contraptions that help point subject enabled arranged coordinated prepared experts while managing the patients other than. The all out of this couldn't actually have been possible without the new shocking amazing new unanticipated new turn of events and attempts of wary firms.

Gyrus ACMI Cyberwand Transducer Handpiece

The universe of advancement is truly not an extravagant one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the rest of, being same. Movement was the last endeavor of a person that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't guaranteed to save lives additionally ensure someone that significant focal spots can move out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A persuading improvement was an inconceivable event in the past events. The universe of progress has advanced a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of another new turn of events and the strong results it brings. To bring and effect an improvement like this, people have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the whole day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making careful contraptions that assessed both the patient and the readied skilled. Making contraptions that give experts the conviction to perform at the best for expanded time periods. Making animating contraptions that help point subject coordinated prepared experts while managing the patients other than. The total of this couldn't actually have been possible without the new amazing astonishing new turn of events and attempts of cautious firms.

Lysonix Lipoplasty Handpiece

The universe of medical procedure is certainly not an upbeat one. Medical procedure in the bygone eras used to be the remainder, everything being equal. Medical procedure was the last attempt of an individual that was at that point expected to be dead. It wasn't ensured to save lives not to mention guarantee somebody that productive advantages can emerge from it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. An effective medical procedure was a supernatural occurrence in the bygone eras. The universe of medical procedure has progressed a ton since the bygone eras. The present reality has certainty over the advances of a medical procedure and the useful outcomes it brings. To bring and propel a medical procedure like this, individuals have dispatched organizations and firms that have worked day and late evening conceptualizing and developing for a superior future. Making careful devices that remembered both the patient and the specialist. Making devices that give specialists the certainty to perform at the best for extended periods of time. Making smart apparatuses that help specialists while dealing with the patients also. The entirety of this couldn't ever have been conceivable without the development and endeavors of careful firms.

Richard Wolf Urological Transducer Probe

The universe of movement is truly not a lively one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the rest of, being same. Advancement was the last endeavor of a person that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't guaranteed to save lives furthermore ensure someone that valuable focal spots can move out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A persuading improvement was an inconceivable event in the past events. The universe of progress has advanced a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of another turn of events and the strong results it brings. To bring and effect a movement like this, people have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the whole day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making cautious contraptions that assessed both the patient and the readied skilled. Making contraptions that give experts the conviction to perform at the best for expanded time spans. Making stimulating contraptions that help point subject arranged specialists while managing the patients other than. The total of this couldn't actually have been possible without the new surprising unexpected turn of events and attempts of mindful firms.

Shockpulse -SE Lithotriptor Transducer

The universe of headway is really not an excessive one. Improvement in the past periods used to be the remainder of, being same. Development was the last undertaking of an individual that was by then expected to be dead. It wasn't ensured to save lives moreover guarantee somebody that critical central spots can move out of it. Longer hours with sedation which would or wouldn't work. A convincing improvement was an unfathomable occasion in the past occasions. The universe of progress has progressed a ton since the past periods. The current reality has sureness over the advances of another new development and the solid outcomes it brings. To bring and impact an improvement like this, individuals have dispatched affiliations and firms that have worked the entire day conceptualizing and making for an unavoidable future. Making cautious contraptions that evaluated both the patient and the prepared talented. Making contraptions that give specialists the conviction to perform at the best for extended time spans. Making quickening contraptions that help point subject facilitated arranged specialists while dealing with the patients other than. The all out of this couldn't really have been conceivable without the new stunning astounding new development and endeavors of wary firms.

Sonastar Handpiece

It was never easy to face tumors in the past when they were discovered. The true weakness of the human body started coming upfront. People with tumors in the past were given a deadline. The technology then progressed and the patients with smaller tumors were treated with medicines. However, patients with terminal stage tumors were still given a deadline, although with medicines they could enjoy a bit more time alive. Technology then progressed enough to provide surgeries for tumors giving new hope to patients with large tumors as well. But the issue was how far the tumor had progressed and fused with the organs. Also, tumors in organs like the brain were extremely difficult to remove and the guarantee of the operation for terminal stage tumors was significantly low. Today, the condition is nowhere near as this peculiar and distraught. Technology has advanced and been pioneered by firms like Misonix bringing technology that empowers the surgeons all around the globe and in turn build high levels of trust in the patients. “Better Surgeons need Better Tools”, is what Misonix believes in. Misonix expects to have their restrictive procedural arrangements gotten the norm of care and upgrade tolerant results all through the world. Misonix does that by working off their top tier careful ultrasonic innovation to change persistent results in Spine, Neuro and Wound Care.